Tips for Heating Your Historical Home
Heating an older historical home certainly comes with its own unique challenges. Many times to keep a residence listed as a historical property, construction changes must be kept to a minimum, causing it to be less energy efficient.
- A great deal of a home’s climate controlled air is lost through poorly insulated windows and doors. But this often becomes a huge catch-22 situation since many homes can lose historical designation if the windows aren’t authentically reproduced. This is why we recommend working with a firm who specializes in historic renovation in Decatur and the surrounding Atlanta area and has the renovation expertise so that air loss is controlled and historical authenticity isn’t compromised.
- The best way to identify air leaks in your home is to conduct a whole-house assessment which is a comprehensive set of tests that pinpoint exactly where your home is wasting energy. Your home’s results are then compiled for you; along with a diagnosis and cost-effective improvement plan that follows the standards of the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program. After making these improvements, Renewal will retest your home to confirm the expected energy savings. These improvements can give you a quieter, more comfortable living environment, lower energy bills, and a healthier home for you and your family. In addition, you could qualify for tax incentives and multiple rebates.
- Most people assume the best way to fix heating problems is to replace the HVAC system. Unfortunately in a historical home, many times that is easier said than done. Many of these homes don’t have a suitable ductwork system nor do they have a mechanical room or space to add the necessary equipment. When the decision has been made to install a new system, care must be taken to limit any damage to the existing interior and exterior architecture. Different levels and areas of the home may also require separate systems because of architectural limitations and moisture levels.
- Consider adding or improving non-mechanical components such as historically accurate porches, awnings and adding heavy draperies on windows to minimize the heat gain from the sun. For long term solutions it may be necessary to add additional insulation in the attic, walls and crawl space and reconfigure landscaping to maximize the advantage of shade trees and towering shrubs.
Historic renovation in Atlanta can be difficult without the right firm to advise you in matters which affect you and your family’s safety and comfort. Contact us at Renewal Design-Build to learn more.