Avoid the Usual Remodeling Nightmare by Cutting Out These Stressful Issues
Remodeling can cause stress for everyone and you need to find ways to manage that stress so that you can survive the entire remodel. You and your entire family should find things that you can do outside of the home while the remodeling is being done so that you are not constantly being reminded of many of the issues that can cause stress. However, there are a few things that you can do to resolve stressful issues before they start.
Here are 7 things that you can do in order to avoid any stress:
- Make sure that you have hired everyone that you need before the remodel begins. An architect and contractor are not going to be able to do all of the work for most remodels. You may also need an electrician, a plumber, and an interior designer.
- You should always check the references of all of the people that you are hiring. You will want to make sure that they have done excellent work in the past and that they have worked well with previous homeowners.
- You will want to make sure that all of the remodeling plans will work before you start the remodeling project. This will ensure that the additional costs will be kept to a minimum because changes will not have to be made throughout the entire project.
- You should have all of the decisions made on what materials you are using and have it all purchased before the remodeling starts. If you have everything before hand, you will not need to wait for items that may be on backorder or completely out of stock. This will ensure that the project can stay on schedule.
- You should never make any changes once the remodeling project has begun. Any changes that you make will mean that it will cost more to finish the project and it will most likely take longer as well.
- You may want the remodel to be completed within two weeks, but that might not be a reasonable request. Speak with all of the people who will be working on the project to get a schedule of when each part of the project will be finished as well as when the whole remodel will be done.
- Always communicate with the people who are working on your house. It is never a good thing to assume that the contractor knows what you want or vice versa. If you want the flooring to go in a certain direction, let them know that information. The same goes for where you want the lighting placed. You may not be able to get exactly what you want, because of placement issues, but your contractor can at least explain why and give you other options to consider.
Remodeling a home does not need to be stressful if you plan accordingly ahead of time. If you follow the tips above, you should have an easier time surviving the entire remodeling project. Give us a call at 404-378-6962 if you’re in Decatur or the surrounding area and we’ll schedule an appointment to discuss your upcoming remodeling project. We believe we can set your mind at ease and help you create your dream home from the structure of your existing home.